I’m not running for me,

I’m running for you.

I never imagined I’d get involved in politics.

But, here I am. Seeing a need in my community to get back to what's important and feeling the responsibility to step in and get the job done. I’m concerned because recently our gaze has been diverted from things like caring for our environment, creating safe communities, supporting those less fortunate, and pouring into our youth in hopes that they will rise up and continue to build a better future. I worry that if everyday people like myself don’t get involved, our very democracy could be at stake.

Why am I qualified? I’ve lived in Douglas County for 7 years and own and operate a small business here. I’ve witnessed the extreme growth in our county and the complicated changes that have come along with it. I understand the complexities of being a “small town” community that needs to meet the needs of its residents in ever changing ways. I’ve personally experienced income disparity and the complexities of getting out of it. I’ve built and managed a successful business from the ground up. And most importantly, I care about our community and want what’s best for it.